Created in the chateau’s park to immortalize his presence in 1918, the stele is made of Semond Stone. The sculpted façade presents the 13 stripes of the American flag, representing the 13 founding states who united to form The United States of America. The stele supports a commemorative metal plaque created by the Harry Truman Presidential Library and Museum at Independence Missouri. It was covered by an American flag from 1948 with its 48 stars.
It was unveiled by Clifton Truman Daniel (grandson of Harry Truman) in the presence of representatives of the US ambassador to France, Mr. and Mrs. Len Robert Small, and the descendants of former owner Andre Martin, who came especially from the US to express forever the support of the American people.
The back of the stele contains the names of all those, both institutions and private individuals, who made this commemoration possible.